After Run Saves Engines
Thanks to Paul Geders for putting together this brief video the advantage of using an after-run oil.
Thanks to Paul Geders for putting together this brief video the advantage of using an after-run oil.
More than you would ever want to know about the inner workings of the Walbro. I have watched it twice and suspect it requires a
Its never fun when you get the call from one of our R/C flying family that we have lost one of our treasured members. Ken
How could this happen? It started with Dave Harrington and I going to the Stihl Championship Air Races last September and watching some of the
It started with a phone call: “Hey man, I’m in Cumming Georgia for work and I’m pulling an empty 20′ trailer. I’m in the Extreme
I could listen to that “lumpty lump” idle all day. I finally got a chance to get out to the field and run in the
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