In the Shop with Wayne Pt 4

I’m replacing the abs exhaust stacks with printed ones. Trying to get the placement correct. Still looks low. The cowl fits the backplate and the engine is in the right spot. Seems there may be too much slope in the top of the cowl and the spinner shape is not quite right. Just like life, a bunch of compromises will make it look ok. After glueing I will drill all the pipes for air exit.

I got the chance to glue the stacks in place this afternoon.

Raised them a bit to make the look correct. Drilled each of the exhaust pies with a 7mm drill bit to help ventilate the cowl and added another slot in the bottom for air exit. The holes in the vents are also drilled. 32 1/8″ holes in each. The cowl still drops too much as it approaches the spinner and it lacks the bulges over the rocker covers but it will be ok. Way better than the abs plastic junk that came with the kit.


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Thanks to our club members stepping up the Spirits will be hosting two new events. First, a Float Fly Tuesday July 11th at Steve Pokorny’s

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