Monthly Meeting Minutes for July 13, 2021
By Ralph Doyle, Secretary
President Ralph Grant:
Meeting called to order at 7:10 pm by Ralph Grant Ă‚Â
20 members attended the meeting. Three new/renewed members joined. Chuck Bobb, Ethan Kastner, and Charlie Pokorny.
Secretary’s report:
Ralph Doyle, Secretary
Motion made, seconded and voted to accept the June minutes as posted on the web.
Treasurer’s Report:
Steve Cross, Treasurer
The Treasurer’s Report for May is available as is the June report. Motion made, seconded and voted to accept the May and June reports.
Field Committee Report:
Dave Brown, Chairman
The ‘new’ parking area has been delayed due to the contractor suffering the theft of his equipment. This project will probably be completed in the coming weeks.
Safety Committee Report:
Sid Kinzel, Chairman
There were no reports of injuries at the field.
Membership Chairman’s Report
Ralph Doyle, Chairman
If a person asks if he can fly and is not a member, be sure to ask to see his AMA card. The PayPal system is available for you to renew your membership. The current membership now stands at 117. Last year the total of the year was 110 for the whole year.
Old Business:
There was no old business. Remember the field is closed on Thursday’s when the mowers are cutting the grass. The racing scheduled for July 10th was a washout. The races have been rescheduled for July 17th. D & D Hauling will be contacted to remove the broken freezer. Rich Taylor has taken it upon himself to make available to the club a variety of apparel with the club logo printed on it. A list of items and their cost will be printed on the web site. The only restriction is that there has to be a minimum order placed. One method may be that the buyer picks out his/her items and informs Rich. When the minimum requirement is reached, Rich will place the order. This is still open for discussion.
New Business:
The Academy of Model Aeronautics is an FAA-approved Test Administrator of The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST). The test may be found on the home page of the AMA. TRUST is a collaboration between the FAA and industry to provide TRUST and educational safety material to Recreational Flyers. Upon completion of the test recreational flyers should print or save a digital copy of their completion certificate and keep it on their person when they fly. The Academy of Model Aeronautics cannot re-issue your completion certificate if it is lost. The FAA cannot re-issue your completion certificate. Should you lose your completion certificate, you will need to re-take TRUST and obtain a new certificate.
The next club meeting will be at the field August 10, at 7:00PM. Come early and get in a flight or two.
Dave Harrington would like to publicly thank Sam Platt for his generosity and expertise. Sam graciously repaired my Extreme Flight 104” Laser after I ran out of gas and had a pretty rough off runway landing. I ended up taking out the landing gear mounting area and the engine box. Additionally made Ralph Grant question his decision to drive the bosses car to the field. See the web site for more detail of the repair.
The white with red, white and blue trim is a “Q500 Viper ARF” modified and shown by Paul Geders is owned by Chris Sostman.Ă‚Â Paul’s FMS Dago Red 1100mm wing span is the new version updating the old Voodoo and Strega versions. Check the FMS web site for specs. It is reported to be fast using just a 4 cell battery..Ă‚Â
Been flying R/C since 1993. Building balsa airplanes since I was a kid. I love warbirds, aerobats, and just about anything that will fly.
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