July 11th, 2023
President Ralph Grant
Not in Attendance
Vice President Dave Harrington
Meeting called to order at approximately 7:30 p.m.
25 members were in attendance. New Member Charly Dalbert (843-814-5556) introduced himself. He came from Texas (which is quite windy) and said he was looking for the best RC field in St. Louis area, and he picked us! Welcome Charly!
Secretary’s report:
Robert Wilson, Secretary
Paul Geders was asked to take the minutes. Robert was not in attendance. It was pointed out that the minutes are distributed to the Board of Directors for approval, comments, corrections, additions or deletions within days of the meeting. Once they are board approved they are uploaded to the web-site. This gets the meeting minutes to the members as fast as possible. No need for members to approve minutes at a meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
Wayne Nenninger, Treasurer
The Treasurer’s report was shared and had no corrections. Motion to accept passed. Our yearly lease payments of $6000.00 were made to the Ostmann’s ($3000.00) and Four-O-Farms ($3000.00). Two other checks were written for $695.00 (Mowing) and $131.14 (Johnny-on-the-spot). An auto debit for $15.30 was made to Ameren Missouri. We had NO income this month.
Field Committee Report:
Dave Brown, Field Committee Chairman
- Dave will no longer be the Field Committee Chairman after this year, and doing the mowing.Ă‚Â Ă‚Â Mowing has taken a toll on his back!
- WE NEED TO FIND A NEW MOWING PERSON/CONTRACTOR.Ă‚Â Ă‚Â Current approximate monthly cost of mowing is $600 for approximately 9 acres.Ă‚Â Ă‚Â We are requesting members to seek out a replacement mowing person or contractor.
- We cannot thank Dave enough for his leadership and maintenance of the field that now looks like a golf course.
- We still have mole issues and that has created the “wash board rough ride” on the mowers.
- Please do not forget to close the gate behind you if you are the last one out, no matter what time of day. Do not assume you are saving someone time later on, or that there will be someone there later to close and lock the gate. It is important to correctly latch the chain on the gate as well to make it appear that the gate is actually locked.Ă‚Â
Safety Committee Report:
Sid Kinzel, Field Committee Chairman
Nothing safety related to report on this month.
Membership Chairman’s Report
Ralph Doyle, membership Chairman
We have 113 Current Members. Last Year we had 119 at this time.
Old Business:
Paul Geders will contact Ameren Missouri Line Covering Division to get high visibility balls and line covers to replace the deteriorated ones on the power lines along Amrein Rd.
New Business:
On September 9th Rich Taylor’s, Wayne Nenninger’s, and Dan Morrison’s AMA Sanctioned Fun Fly will be happening.  We are hoping to get members from other clubs to attend.  They are asking for Donations to be provided for to be used as awards. If you have anything you would like to donate, please let Rich, Wayne, or Dan know. They are planning on having it set up with a “chance” or “luck” element like drawing poker cards to build the best hand.  THERE IS NO ENTRY FEE…IT’S FREE AND ANYONE CAN PARTICIPATE.  If needed we will even have someone help you take-off and land.
After the adjournment of the August meeting at the field we will have a “Night Fly”…everyone is invited to participate.
- August 8thĂ‚Â Club Meeting with a “Night Fly” immediately after adjournment.Ă‚Â Ă‚Â Rubber band, or tape, some glow sticks on your plane.Ă‚Â Ă‚Â They are cheap!Ă‚Â Ă‚Â