June Meeting Minutes


Monthly Meeting Minutes 

June 13th, 2023

By Robert Wilson, Secretary

President Ralph Grant

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm

Vice President Dave Harrington



20 members were in attendance.

Secretary’s report:

Robert Wilson, Secretary

May’s Secretary Report was approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

Wayne Nenninger, Treasurer

The Treasurer’s report was shared and had no corrections. Four checks were written for $862.57 and one auto debit for $14.30.

We had $471.02 in income, all from member’s fees. 

Field Committee Report:

Dave Brown, Field Committee Chairman

  • Safety Sand Buckets will be replaced soon as they are too brittle from aging in the elements. 
  • Early Morning Working Party is being planned to achieve the following:
    • Seal Cracks in Runway with sand and sealer mixFill holes from Coyotes (they are the same size as buckets)General Field Maintenance
      • This working party will most likely occur either on the 24th or 1st (TBD)
  • Please do not forget to close the gate behind you if you are the last one out, no matter what time of day. Do not assume you are saving someone time later on, or that there will be someone there later to close and lock the gate. It is important to correctly latch the chain on the gate as well to make it appear that the gate is actually locked. 

Safety Committee Report:

Sid Kinzel, Field Committee Chairman

Please remember that propellers are dangerous, and it doesn’t take much to have one strike your fingers. Please be aware of not only your safety but others in the pit areas. Ralph Grant has contacted the local Fire Department and is working on getting us first aid training as well as a list of recommendations for a First Aid Kit. One thing mentioned was a defibrillator.  

Membership Chairman’s Report

Ralph Doyle, membership Chairman

108 Current Members

Old Business:

We updated the Stock Electric Class of WARBIRDS Rules, including hyperlinks for legal models, and are posted on website under Documents, then “Stock Electric Warbirds Rules”

New Business: 

Tuesday July 11th will be our Christmas in July meeting at Steve Pokorny’s house. Float-fly starts at 2:00 in the afternoon. 

On September 9th Rich Taylor’s and Dan Morrison’s Fun Fly will be happening and they are asking for Donations to be provided for to be used as awards. If you have anything you would like to donate, please let Rich or Dan know. They are planning on having it set up with a “chance” or “luck” element like drawing poker cards to build the best hand.

If anyone finds an EDF in the corn it likely belongs Gordon Phelps.

Dave Harrington and Dave Brown are making stencils to put on the back of the Gizzie Memorial sign to remind members to grab their card off the frequency board. They are also considering other locations or even putting up special signing.

At some point GoDaddy, our current host server, will most likely be going the way of the dodo bird as they are consistently asking for ~$700 to restore our performance. One starts to wonder if they start holding bandwidth hostage for cash. Mr. Grant spent $700 to fix it but we need to have a better solution. Mr. Adams is looking into other options for storing options for our large photo storage. 


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