May Meeting Minutes


May 9th, 2023

President Ralph Grant

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm

Vice President Dave Harrington



24 members were in attendance.

Secretary’s report:

Robert Wilson, Secretary

Nothing to report.

Treasurer’s Report:

Wayne Nenninger, Treasurer

The Treasurer’s report was shared and had no corrections. Three checks were written for $858.59 and one auto debit for $13.88. We had $790.15 in income, all from member’s fees.

Field Committee Report:

Dave Brown, Field Committee Chairman

  • Dan Hackman gave Dave Brown some Farmers Grade weed killer (2-4D) and we currently have very few, if any, dandelions. Dave purchased a 26-gallon tank with a large sprayer to apply the weedkiller. The field really is looking great thanks to all of Dave’s leadership and hard work.
  • While moles have dramatically improved, there are still a few around.
  • Dave is also in the process of fabricating a 1,000 lb. roller to help work out the bumpy spots in the field.

Safety Committee Report:

Sid Kinzel, Safety Committee Chairman

Just a reminder that all gasoline engine flyers and turbine flyers are required to have the appropriate fire extinguisher when operating your aircraft. For turbine engines a “B/C” rated, or equivalent would be appropriate. For Gasoline, an ABC type extinguisher is recommended. Also, thanks to everyone that are putting their cards on the board as we have noticed more and more members following the rules and doing this.

Membership Chairman’s Report

Ralph Doyle, membership Chairman

We are down 6 members — 2022: 113. 2023: 107.

Old Business:

No Old Business

New Business:

Please do not sit on our blue charging tables or our flight-line tables. The charging tables have been leveled. Only one foot of the three has been inserted into a concrete foundation which means when excessive weight is placed on the table three legs will sink into the soft sandy river basin soil and the one in concrete will not sink, making the table uneven.

70mm FMS Viper (15th Anniversary Edition)

Dave Harrington brought in his 70mm FMS Viper (15th Anniversary Edition) from FMS models. This model has a great finish and as most know, flies great like all vipers do. This one also has nicer retracts (oleo type) instead of the piano wire ones that the E-Flite models do.


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